BUY your next ERP - Don’t Get Sold!

Companies always have some level of “system” or “how we do things” they use today.

As they grow, however, these systems or processes may become too slow, too inefficient, or they may just plain break!

Whether your organization is moving past true startup with spreadsheets and basic accounting (i.e., Excel and QuickBooks), or if you have a legacy Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that may not meet your needs as they grow or may not be in the cloud, you want to be a savvy buyer.

You want to buy - not be sold!

How to do this? After all, once you realize that you need to upgrade to a robust ERP system, it can be daunting to know what to do.

The best way to buy is to prepare and be informed!

When the Leadership team decides to search for a new system, the CEO will assign the project to the CFO or the IT Director.

Depending on that person’s previous experience, she/he will likely ask a few colleagues or perform some searches and start reaching out to vendors for demos.

But what companies don’t often realize is what it takes to be prepared before coming to them in the first place.

Become a SAVVY BUYER by watching this video then CONTACT US to support your search!


Where are you on the Project Execution Capability Map?


Don’t only be Efficient, make sure you are EFFECTIVE too!